Sunday, May 20, 2018

(new song) Future Ex-Husband

Future Husband

(verse 1)

you are familiar as the ring on my finger
that you put there only yesterday
i watch you
when you don't know i'm watching you
and you bring out the electricity in the air
and your hands too soft to bear
and when you love me late at night
you hold me in your arms, so very tight


my future husband is
knockin' at the door (x3)
my future husband is
comin' back for more (x3)
my future husband
is playin' his guitar (x3)
my future husband
is crashin' all his cars (x3)

(verse 2)

he wears t-shirts and sneakers \
like they're goin' out of style
shaggy dark-haired man
playin' rhythms with a smile
and when the tears come pouring down
he knooooows he is home
no more lonliness, comtemplations
or spiking drinks to please a circle of friends he no longer knows


my future husband is
knockin' at the door (x3)
my future husband is
comin' back for more (x3)
my future husband
is playin' his guitar (x3)
my future husband
is crashin' all his cars (x3)


and the aliens come to take me away...
and the night sky turns a different shade of gray...
and the anti-christ is here
and so is god
and i wave good-by to my future ex-husband with a sob
he gives me a wink and says it'll be ok...
and i will see you again one fine rainy day


my future husband is
knockin' at the door (x3)
my future husband is
comin' back for more (x3)
my future husband
is playin' his guitar (x3)
my future husband
is crashin' all his cars (x3)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

effortlessly (new song)

the church bells give me
no comfort to the
mp3 player ringing in my
disillusioned ears
light a cigarette backwards
turn it around again
smoke heavy
breath in smog filled air
L.A sanctuary
a joint grazing my
callus lips
breath in again
freeing sounds
drifting through my
disillusioned ears
our songs play
cigarette burning
you wait patiently
as I write
come back to me
put cigarette out
on shirt sleeves made of
did you wash them today?
songs blaring
headphones of quality
like your second song
you write
tug of earphone wires
as espresso grazes my
willful lips
blasting a song of L.A likliness
punk and ska
woeful entrances

Sunday, May 6, 2018

from poem to a song...

reborn a star (new song)

i wanna be reincarnated into a star
a bright shining star in the sky
but only if
you are there shining next to me
i only look at the night sky
to talk to you
i was once asked if i look at the stars
i stated
only if you were there

when i see a shooting star
i think of how far i'd have to fall
to no longer be alive
to no longer shine like you
the wish that i make
on that star and that moment in time
is for that star to stop in its tracks
and stop falling.  stop shooting.
keep shining

i imagine you there now
and now i look at the stars
if you were reincarnated into a star
you would shine brighter than the rest
and you would shine so bright
all the other stars would lose their light
the contentment you would feel
in that night sky
shining so bright
brighter than you ever shined in life
put me next to you 
in that night sky
two twin shining stars
shining just as bright
we'd find our light
and we'd no longer feel pain
and we'd no longer be lost
from each other

when i see a shooting star
i think of how far i'd have to fall
to no longer be alive
to no longer shine like you
the wish that i make
on that star and that moment in time
is for that star to stop in its tracks
and stop falling.  stop shooting.
keep shining

i wanna be a star
just a bright star
drifting in the galaxy
reincarnated next to you
only you
drifting endlessly
for eternity.

Starseed Souls

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