Sunday, November 25, 2018

new rap directed to cardi b


56 thousand!

Yo rule Breaker in the house
Quiet as a mother fuckin church mouse

Yo Hit it.
Yo check it.
This goes out to cardi b.

You fuck wit me
You fuck wit b
You fuck wit b
You fuck wit me
I be in the club
Rubbin' on my love
I don't buy that shit
You be rubbing on that clit
Holla at the door
Like it's 1944
Call me old fashion
But you a little bore
Hey cardi... B.!
You a little whore


You fuck wit me
You fuck wit b
You fuck wit b
You fuck wit me
Don't fuck wit me
I making them see
I be punkin you
Making mens drool
Classy little ass
Taking out your trash
I'm a rule Breaker
And your a little faker
Sex drugs rock n roll
Taking it in your gaping pussy hole
Uh yeah B's the shit
Take one look at him
And you'll be rubbing that clit
Detroit, la and NYC
K. Marshall flicker
Is where it be


But I'm telling you
You ain't making mens drool
But cardi baby you just a little tool
They all be on his ass
Smokin' all that glass
Tacky little twits
Rubbing on their clits

Listening to that bit
On Cardi's little 'hit'
Why you fuck wit me
You ain't making them see
You all know where I live
Don't want me in the biz
I'll rape your little skull
Send you all to hell
I'm not naming names
But you got no game
You think you call the shots
But you a little snot
Now I fuck wit you
Like mgk to boo
You a little slut
I'm a diamond in the rough
You no foxy lady
Imma having B's baby


Here's my bridge
Now get outta that fridge
Hey cardi b
You don't fuck wit me
I'm a rule Breaker
And you're still a little faker
I'm going old skewl
And you're no heartbreaker
Cover it up
You triflin little slut
Call me a prude
But that song of yours is rude!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

new song

The Popcorn Song

Verse 1


You come back late at night
My feet, hurting
You don't hesitate
To rub them, rub them


A long day in the kitchen
A gourmet meal on the stove
You give me one look
One look
And I picture a little place
In a beautiful cove


By the beach, maybe
Or in a mountain home
Perhaps a country Haven
Or in the city with a little Grove


We finish our meal
Retire to the sofa alcove
Put in a movie and melt, just melt just melt... Melt into each other's arms, here there's no harm in each other's arms



Like butter on popcorn
You are my home
We go hand in hand
Always better than being alone
Like butter on popcorn
You make me see
A much greater life
Was waiting for me

 Verse 2


Your birthday celebration was a big fat blur
Soon Christmas will be here
And you'll feel the brr
Depression will sink in and
You'll reach for her


She'll be there to lift you up when those feelings occur

B. & R.

Repeat chorus


She loves you oh so much
Just let go
She loves you oh so much
Watch the feelings grow
She loves you oh so much
It takes no toll
She loves you oh so much
Even more so

B. & R.

Repeat chorus

Saturday, November 3, 2018

one of my old songs


He rode in on a jet plane
I was working on a subway train
He had blonde hair and I knew in vain
I was never gonna be the same

I didn't ask him his name (x4)
He was always just honey (x4)
To me...

My legs were tired and his knees
Were weak
He was blinded and I could barely
The world was wide and we were
In so deep
We knew all along this was for


(Repeat 1st verse)


Friday, August 10, 2018

Jail Time (new song)


This is a love letter to Daniel...

verse 1

when you walked out that day
i had so many things
so many things
ready to say

you looked like the perfect image
of a husband gone, gone away

your hair was combed just right
and we had no reason
no reason
to fight

but when i turn around
you aren't there (x2)


this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room

this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room

verse 2

i couldn't bear to see you
taken away
it was blasphemy, blasphemy
till my dying day

when the need is so, so strong
you are left in cold despair
the handcuffs mark eternal damnation
and i'm laid bare


this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room

this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room

verse 3

was it 4 years or 5
since you first said , "Hi'
i'd give it all back
to be your first, in stride

if one plus one equals two..
the lovers will remain separated
two individuals
through and through

but what equals 1 + nothing
me and you
together as one individual
one heart, one soul to be true


this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room


when will you come home again
the days are passing by
when will you come home again
the day i kiss you and cry
it's easy to miss you when you aren't even here
but it's even easier to love you when you're always
right there


this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room

this is another song about you, My Love
this is another song about you
i've dreamnt of being your cellmate
lying side by side
in a cold , dark, vacant room

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

new song

Hello Elliott Smith
the boys in the band
are so hot (x2)
but have you seen
the girls they get?(x2)
one in particular rocks
my world (x2)
oh to be his luscious girl (x2)
some of 'em don't even have
the skills
but the girls who love them
have all the frills
bass and drums is not my
but the one who sings is
worth my while
lead guitar is so bizarre
oh to be a superstar
the boys in the band
are so hot (x2)
the way they comb their hair
is just too hard to bear
long, golden locks
oh man what a fox
jack be nimble jack be
what a lovely candlestick
and-they-get all-the-girls
fat - tall - big - small
see there was this one guy
shy as a fly
he could take her soaring
and he didn't even try
and that one perfect guy
leader of the band
said he was a virgin
and he even kissed her hand
that boy in the band was so
damn hot
earnest, sweet,
to say the
silky hair smooth skin
oh baby let me in
hipster, rocker, grunge god
oh baby that's so mod
she had lips like angie
he had abs like brad
she called him daddy
but he was no cad
so one hot Philly night
she took him walking
they didn't fight
he got down on bended knee
and said, sweetly, marry me
the boys in the band are so
hot (x2)
they make me laugh out loud (x2)
lol lol
lol lol
snapchat twitter
facebook tinder
lol lol
lol lol
laughing my ass off

Sunday, June 10, 2018

You Should Have Been A Rock Star (new song)

 verse 1

trapped in a whirlwind
no escaping it
you shaved your beard today
no faking it

five years, gone unnoticed
the flick of a cigarette
who's boasting it?
who's boasting it?

a house in the country
a girl by the stove
but dinners are better
when you're frying the cloves

you should have been a rock star
God knows your smile is a sin
and like a springing trapeze artist
your magnetic charm comes from within

(B. and Izzy)
you shoulda

been a rock star

verse 2
your piano hands touch me the right way
and nights on the couch bring back memories
your awkwardness has me reeling in symphanies
and when your hands tremble I know it's just for me

and i tell ya...

(B. and Izzy)
you shoulda

been a rock star

God knows your smile is a sin
and like a springing trapeze artist
your magnetic charm comes from within

but how many women have you played?
i won't be your fiddle this coming May
i'm damn near excited
and it's okay
i'm going to marry you
one fine day

but i tell ya, tell ya, tell ya

(B. and Izzy)
you really shoulda shoulda shoula..

you should have been a rock star
God knows your smile is a sin
and like a springing trapeze artist
your magnetic charm comes from within

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Santa Clause Song (full)

what exactly can he provide you? 
Can he make you feel more beautiful 
than you already are? 
If you hate them...
will he hate them too?

is it more than loyalty?
more than fate stepping in 
more than consistency 
more than a constant need

and what if 
what if
what if
what if

and what if
what if
what if
what if

he died for you?
put that gun in his mouth
and just died for you?

heroin is bad
yes heroin is deadly
yes heroin will kill

when drugs are a coping mechanism
you.... flourish?

flourish into a flower
prick yourself with the thorn
she was in my very side

 and what if
what if 
what if
what if

and what if 
what if
what if
what if

pendulum by my side
shaking from side to side
say yes
say yes
say yes

no more hair color
no more eyes
just a walking zombie
by my side

true love
real love
great love

true love
real love
great love

can ya feel it?
can ya feel it?
can ya feel it?

he can feel it...
he can feel it...
he can feel it...

just another crack in the universe
my tears split open the wound
his spirit
around me he lingers
forever more
forever more
forever more

gimme back my vodka!
where's my vodka?
it all started with vodka!

low flying planes
subway trains
nothing to gain
but a bulging vain

stick your needle in me!
don't you dare!
you're the heroin junkie!
in despair! 

okay. so i lied.
he had blonde hair.
and bright blue eyes.
and when our worlds collide
we both ---


Sunday, May 20, 2018

(new song) Future Ex-Husband

Future Husband

(verse 1)

you are familiar as the ring on my finger
that you put there only yesterday
i watch you
when you don't know i'm watching you
and you bring out the electricity in the air
and your hands too soft to bear
and when you love me late at night
you hold me in your arms, so very tight


my future husband is
knockin' at the door (x3)
my future husband is
comin' back for more (x3)
my future husband
is playin' his guitar (x3)
my future husband
is crashin' all his cars (x3)

(verse 2)

he wears t-shirts and sneakers \
like they're goin' out of style
shaggy dark-haired man
playin' rhythms with a smile
and when the tears come pouring down
he knooooows he is home
no more lonliness, comtemplations
or spiking drinks to please a circle of friends he no longer knows


my future husband is
knockin' at the door (x3)
my future husband is
comin' back for more (x3)
my future husband
is playin' his guitar (x3)
my future husband
is crashin' all his cars (x3)


and the aliens come to take me away...
and the night sky turns a different shade of gray...
and the anti-christ is here
and so is god
and i wave good-by to my future ex-husband with a sob
he gives me a wink and says it'll be ok...
and i will see you again one fine rainy day


my future husband is
knockin' at the door (x3)
my future husband is
comin' back for more (x3)
my future husband
is playin' his guitar (x3)
my future husband
is crashin' all his cars (x3)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

effortlessly (new song)

the church bells give me
no comfort to the
mp3 player ringing in my
disillusioned ears
light a cigarette backwards
turn it around again
smoke heavy
breath in smog filled air
L.A sanctuary
a joint grazing my
callus lips
breath in again
freeing sounds
drifting through my
disillusioned ears
our songs play
cigarette burning
you wait patiently
as I write
come back to me
put cigarette out
on shirt sleeves made of
did you wash them today?
songs blaring
headphones of quality
like your second song
you write
tug of earphone wires
as espresso grazes my
willful lips
blasting a song of L.A likliness
punk and ska
woeful entrances

Sunday, May 6, 2018

from poem to a song...

reborn a star (new song)

i wanna be reincarnated into a star
a bright shining star in the sky
but only if
you are there shining next to me
i only look at the night sky
to talk to you
i was once asked if i look at the stars
i stated
only if you were there

when i see a shooting star
i think of how far i'd have to fall
to no longer be alive
to no longer shine like you
the wish that i make
on that star and that moment in time
is for that star to stop in its tracks
and stop falling.  stop shooting.
keep shining

i imagine you there now
and now i look at the stars
if you were reincarnated into a star
you would shine brighter than the rest
and you would shine so bright
all the other stars would lose their light
the contentment you would feel
in that night sky
shining so bright
brighter than you ever shined in life
put me next to you 
in that night sky
two twin shining stars
shining just as bright
we'd find our light
and we'd no longer feel pain
and we'd no longer be lost
from each other

when i see a shooting star
i think of how far i'd have to fall
to no longer be alive
to no longer shine like you
the wish that i make
on that star and that moment in time
is for that star to stop in its tracks
and stop falling.  stop shooting.
keep shining

i wanna be a star
just a bright star
drifting in the galaxy
reincarnated next to you
only you
drifting endlessly
for eternity.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

From Seattle to Eternity (new song)

from seattle to eternity
the sicamore trees leave a scar
you ask, how far will i go?
heart beating wildly
i tell you, way down low
six feet under and i still. still, still
feel your soul

eternity bleeds red
with good intentions
an angel dried her wings
on your damp forehead
for you, always you
from seattle to eternity

the color of your hair
changes daily
the color of your eyes
true blue
and the sicamore leaves
scatter atop the hollow
where your body once lay
your spirit strains to become
one with the air
you scream out, in constant

from seattle to eternity
two hearts beat as one
from seattle to eternity
two souls, under the sun
from seattle to eternity
i come undone

you are the one i think of
at night
you are the one, i see
when i lose my sight
you are the one
you are the one...

from .... eternity

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Izzy May quotes

"I love writing music because it's the most PROVOCATIVE, most profound means of expressing your emotions....whether you're good or not, find a way to express your emotions in song, and you can't lose..." Izzy May quotes

new song (all my friends)

All My Friends

all my friends won't be there...
all my friends won't be there...

wake up in the morning air
and all my friends won't be there

what do ya do when you're feelin' blue?
what do ya do when you're feelin' blue?

take one prozac or two
take one prozac or two

all my friends are symbeotic
all my friends are microscopic

what do ya do when their electronic?
what do ya do when their electronic?

cook that spaghetti in the pot... x2
what do ya do when you're gone to rot...x2

there's just somethin' about me, born to please
and when the cat got your tongue, born to run


yeah, and all my friends won't be there
all my friends won't be there

wake up in the morning air
all my friend's born square

what do ya do when you're feelin' blue?
what do ya do when you're feelin' blue?

take one prozac or two
take one prozac or two

jab that knife just right
what do ya do, when your're born to fight?

(slow pace)
all my friends yeah...
all my friends... yeah
born to lose yeah
born to choose yeah

take a rocket to the moon
(born to lose)
a witch on a broom
(born to lose)
indiana's temple of doom
(born to lose)
a harley goes zoom
(born to lose)


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

new song

Rule Breaker (rap song lyrics)


 yeah sometimes life is tough, and it gets even tougher,
i'm gonna tell ya a story that makes mine a little easier... 


yeah i'm gonna tell ya a story about my fate
i'm gonna lead him on and make him 
my bate


yeah ,
i'm gonna punk his ass before he punks me
he's probably sittin' around watching mother f----- glee
swear it makes me wanna go on a killing spree
slaying every single person that i f------ see

damn right ... i'm a maniac
i'm gonna break stuff all down his back
i'm from d-town born and raised
i pack a shotgun and a hand grenade

i'm gonna mess you up and put you in your place
like a psychopath without a race
i'll burn your ashes won't leave a trace
till the piggies come and take me away

the belligerent parasite is on my case
ramblin' random regal gibberish from outer space
makin' killin's like a villian runnin' out a mace
playin' poker like a joker without an ace

(chorus) (Titanium)

see, this glutton's runnin' out of damning reigns
wooden casket's gonna be his barring cage
when he's six feet under you won't see his remains
it's gonna be the last of these silver chains

now i'm tested he won't let me be
condescending, count one two three
the ramblin' maniac inside a me
is unleashing a whole sinister sea

graffiti on the insulin walls
ripped tissue off a voo doo doll
insurrection at my beckon call
defection, a contagious squawl 

a bombastic temperamental withdrawl
with nena, the cradle will fall
sickle cell disease wished on me
and the sinister cretan won't just let it be

heretics and religious gits
counteracting on their wits
critical indecisive fits
inconclusive apathetic crypts

the paranoid alabaster king
with the tacky trash simpleton
and the cherub nepotistic dream
deluded at the concrete seams

(chorus) (Titanium)(extended)

sultry scriptures, counterfeit obits
hack lectures student equipped
sifted confidence to and fro
bloody wardrobe no place to go

rule breaker cans of lace
life taker misfit fakes
signs the devine
smooth talkers hit rewind


blank spaces fall from grace
infectious bases all erased
cowardly showcase simple taze
infected noches in a daze

gloves, so confined
above, in a bind
true love, wine and dine
thereof let it chime


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

new song

my romeo died (one gloomy night)


I believe in time travel, true love and aliens
pick one , and let it sink in

(verse one)

i'm gonna tell ya a story about true love
the kind from fairy tales and the heaven's above

see my romeo died one gloomy night
comin' home from a routine delta flight

he was just a boy dreamin' of a man
who could finally come to terms and
take a stand

the father of three couldn't let it be
with his juliet screamin' on tv



hey na laddy da, hey hey na laddy da
hey na laddy da, hey hey na laddy da

(verse two)

fragile times in the circuit
frag mental jerks at the circus
wasted days disillusioned nights
sick on rye haphazard lies

and my romeo died
and his juliet was fried
in the city yeah in the city



hey na laddy da, hey hey na laddy da
hey na laddy da, hey hey na laddy da


what do ya do when your spinnin' down
what do ya do when your spinnin' around
what do you do when your feelin' so blue
do ya grab 'em
do ya twist 'em
do ya spin 'em around and round and round


(chorus x3)

Friday, March 16, 2018

new song

trip to Transylvania

i took a trip to Transylvania
searching for the nuts and bolts
what i found now will then scare ya
it was in fact count Drac's cloak

see i traveled back to 1993
saw the world stop dead right in front of me
witnessed the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen
a picture perfect love affair in jaded green

he was standing all alone in the courtyard
checking time on a thrifty onyx vintage piece
he was so enthralled the first time he saw me
he coulda swore those were ivory doves and not geese

speak one word to me and i'll be yours forever
just count one, two, three and get on your knees
i promise to cherish and love you eternally
you don't ever have to say the words thanks and please

so we got back in my time machine and i said, "Wherever you will go..."
he said take me back to Transylvania, i have a show
my fears were ignited
my tears were excited
should i bite the man?
become immortal then?

we lived happily forever in a tomb
it had far little space than an empty room
we were immortal then
traveling on the whim
the perfect story
with all the glory
the end

facebook --

hey guys! Don't forget to like my page Izzy May on facebook... the address is here:  cheers! And Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

(new song) 'wicked heroin king'

sifting through the
a dead horse inside
my room
shifting all my
crack junkies
screamin' at the

shrivled cactus's
in your mouth
crinkled packages
out your spout     
smoke a blunt
than wash it out
cat litter sprinkled
all about

he's a wicked heroin
with a tacky trash
a cherub nepotistic
sure you'd need a
simplistic sink screen

sifting through my
concrete lilacs splattered
to and fro
shifting all the
spiral tokens scattered
down below

he's a wicked heroin
feeding off of
one more shot
of the medicine
sterling silver gets
the best of

he's a wicked heroin
feeding off of adrenaline
one more shot
of the medicine
sterling silver gets
the best of

Monday, March 5, 2018

Like Elvis

satellite come and go
we give each other all we know
in silence were havin' fun
aloud like a loaded gun

a dim flicker on your t.v set
a broken string over a tired fret
the mighty downward coil
some junk off of the tin foil

the dull click of a pistol shell
wry thoughts of a burning hell
the mighty downward fall
splatter of blood on the wall

and he comes to take me away
in his cinematic love truck
second blonde child
like elvis... elvis

slip off until ya scream
everything's more than it seems
the pervasive aching dreams
grim reflections of keeping clean

one more thought of morning light
another scathing starry night
a vindictive friday fight
one more weary sunday flight

another cigarette burned to ash
one more moulibras spendin' my cash
a cover of the heated clash
fire marks givin' me a rash

and he comes to take me away
in his cinematic love truck
second blonde child
like elvis... elvis

satellite come and go
in your chest just a gaping hole
for christmas a lump of coal
the ache of an open soul

a black screen on your t.v set
a lost limb from a tired vet
a wife that you never met
losin' a heartfelt sincere bet

one more cryptic curtain call
spending time with mom at the mall
a blanket wrapped with my favorite doll
a 911 call from my friend saul

one more puff of a cigarette
a suicide letter that you'll never forget
one last degrading sincere threat
cockiing the trigger in cold sweat

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Sunday, March 4, 2018

new song

random dark poetry

it's dark outside and
in here
the dreariness
oh god
 the end is near
smoke one last cigarette
that one last regret
pushing me
pushing me
breaking me
breaking me
till i come undone
come undone
oh yeah
the end is near
the end is near

simple times
so devine
takin' me
on a ride
cigarette burns
taking turns

it's dark in here
and out there
come again
don't despair
pushing me
pushing me
breaking me
breaking me

simple times
push rewind
smokin' up on
hollow threats
some more regrets
the pain inside
tripled far and wide

the end is near...
the end is near...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

new song

Wanted By Everyone

(verse one)

they came out in droves
just a simple girl
he was asking

he came on strong
but he's the only one
who's like static for me
for me

(pre chorus)

what can i say
you made my day
no more hidin'
in my attic

what can i say
you made my day
no more hidin'
in my attic

(musical break)


i'm wanted by everyone worth a damn
but you're the only one that matters
i said,
i'm wanted by everyone
but you're the only one who matters

(repeat chorus)

(verse two)

maybe i'm just foolish
but baby you're so kool
can you speak to me in polish
about all the times you ruled

he said why are you so wanted
by all these fragile fools
i can be your hero baby
with nothing else to lose


i'm wanted by everyone worth a damn
but you're the only one that matters
i said,
i'm wanted by everyone
but you're the only one who matters

(repeat chorus)

he doesn't believe me
what should i do
i've turned around in circles
now i'm so blue
but i already said,
you're the one that matters
now off with their heads
and get in my bed
and watch them all scatter

(chorus x3)

TO ME......

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

new song

You're So Funny

ya laugh
cause you think it's crazy
ya laugh
even when
the joke's on you
ya laugh
thinkin' others agree
ya laugh
when you're no one 

you probably really only gave him... a blowjob
when you bought him all those cliche things
he puked
you'll never ever know the truth behind those blue eyes
cause yur half ass crazy also without a clue


but enough about you, I --

despise givin' you credit for this song
you'll probably even get royalties when i'm gone
you're a typical twit
bleeding hypocrite
with her head up her ass
believin' it all
is crass

 and i even thought she was his number one fan
but you my friend, can take that stand
yes it's true i'm conceted
believe my morals are conceded
but don't get me wrong
i know you sucked his dong
and he never looked twice
not even at his wife


fight me.

and you still laugh. At a 'psychopath'
ya laugh
ya laugh
ya laugh
ya laugh

the jokes on YOU

i laugh... AT YOU
i laugh... AT THEM
i laugh.... AT HER
i laugh.... because


the enlightened ones... never... CRY.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy Birthday Kurt (Cobain), tomorrow you would have been 51. And still perfect. Love Always, Izzy <3

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

pocket full of dynomite lyrics

he had a pocket full of dynomite
he said i'll kiss ya and it will be alright
i'll lick ya in between the birds and bees
make you flutter bring you to your knees
oh how sweet
another condescending sexist flea
i keep my legs crossed and zip up my Lee's
date-rapists are raised in sprees
she said, "hey, think straight:"
another boy meets girl and it's not fate
well will ya marry me tonight! (X2)
if i don't put up a fight! (X2)
she went home black and blue
no phone call from her boo
what does a girl do with a revolution!
when all the boys are polluting!
what does a girl do with a revolution!
when no boy seems suiting!
he had a pocket full of dynomite! (X8)

(new song)

Get On Stage

get on stage (x2)
play your music(x2)
i relate to ya more(x2)
when you ....

get on stage (x2)
and play your music
play your music


such a bore(x2)

are ya born to lose?
are ya born to lose?

get on stage
get on stage
and play your music
play your music
rough guitar
rough guitar
facetious star
facetious star

do ya like it like that?
do ya like it like that?

do i like it like that?
do i like it like that?

well i'll....

get on stage!
get on stage!

and play my music!
and play my music!

do you relate to me more?
do you relate to me more?

when i ...

get on stage (x2)
and play my music
play my music


so confused
so confused


born to lose (x2)


get on stage!
get on stage!
get on stage!
get on stage!


yeah, were such a bore

what's the point of dyin' if it's not on the 6 ' o clock news (lyrics)

HERE'S MY CLICHE ROCK STAR SONG wrote this about two years ago.... lol

you don't know my name
but you know my game
just another classic story
of a rock star gone insane

i smoke to many cancerous cigarettes
and drive around a black corvette
my eyeliners smeared and i'm in tears
and boy o boy i can't handle all the leers

i have visions of a high-flying suicide
pills and bills under my backside
drugs and thugs givin' me my love
what's the point of dyin' if you ain't above??

when burnin' burnin' burnin' out is like fadin' away...
the perfect song to end the day
i got a lotta lotta things to say
but in the end 'i'm gonna go my way'
if bill billy corragin's a rocker fool...
then i'll be sure to make you drool

like john lennon, kurt and elliott smith
i'm the last one of a dyin' kind/ a song smith
but what's the poiint of dyin' dyin dyin' if it aint on CNN
and fox news news news is givin' me the moody blues
what about USA today??
will my obituary birthday be in May??


I'll probably never make it to the stage..
you know when i do it will be inside a cage...
they hardly ever hear my rage...
so bullhorn the shit off the fucking page...

you don't know my name but you know my game
i am not the one that you can tame
i think you suck and your songs are lame
this ain't my best it's a cryin' shame...

he was rock-n-roll lyrics

he was rock n roll!
he was a punk rock star!
he crashed guitars!
and drove vintage cars!

he was no father figure
but he could make you shiver
and when he made you quiver
it was time to deliver!

and he said to me when we first met...
hey baby i'll buy you a red corvette!
yellow roses or a lacey pink corsett!
but don't do me wrong
and write me a song
cause baby you belong in the kitchen!

she was rock n roll!
she was a punk rock star!
she crashed guitars!
and drove vintage cars!

she gave him motherly love....
from the heaven's above...
and when she headlined his club...
he saw white doves!

and then she said to HIM when they first met...
hey baby i'll buy you a black corvette...
red roses or a big fat leer jet!
but don't do ME wrong and write me a SONG
cause baby YOU belong in the KITCHEN!

she was tranqualized!
and petrified!

don't put me in the the kitchen
i'll throw out all the dishes
burn all of your bread
sever your sweet pretty head (x2)

she was rock n roll!
she was joan jett!
she was dressed in leather!
not that fake blue plether!

and he was put in his place...
smeared eyeliner on his face...
cryin' over the burnt bread on his plate...

...... in HIS KITCHEN.

i get my new trademark pink glasses in a week... stay tuned for pictures!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

she wore a ruffled dress (lyrics)

she wore a ruffled dress
her hair was a mess
grandpa's old cardigan
her fashion a sin

but when she took that hair down
well she looked so fine now
prancin' around
lost then found

she wore that ruffled dress
did she pass the test?
just a pixie girl
in a bizarre world

she met him that night
then they got in a fight
"why'd you marry a whore??"
that's such a bore!

a whore in patent leather
lipstick smeared on a feather
did SHE pass the test??
no, she was such a mess

and... that.... girl..... in.... the..... ruffled ..... dress....
was... a .... dream.... i .... must ..... confess....


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

hey what's up ya'll ... i can't decide if i want to record my song again and continue to pursue music or not... hmm...

Monday, January 22, 2018

7 shades of red lyrics AGAIN

7 Shades of RED (hate for all of you)


mating rituals bleed rite through
vulgar hunger for me and you
spiral viral orbital food
my keeper in sleepers
a kaleidoscope crue


black satin sheets dipped in
rosemary maroon
simple tastes little things lazy cartoons
anti-freeze with cianide
a melting pot saloon
an emptied hollow vacated room
tears in turpentine and stainless steel shrooms

hate hate hate for

you and you and you and you

and you and you and you and you

for you and you and you and you

you and you and you and you


season's greetings a christmas tune
ornamental confiscated regulated doom
vox car
rock star
eye of the monsoon
death star
an undeniable BOOM

strip bars memoirs encased in brew
a barrel of jelly beans confiscated too
armadilla my guerilla in combat boots
lessons in possessions and spagetti stew


for you and you and you and you

you and you and you and you

you and you and you and you

you and you and you and you


 (low, a rumble)

/strident equals violence
and no means no
citric acid with molasses
and feminine blood flow
graffitied walls and alcoholic cotton balls
 satiric sudafed
vicious ridd-a-reck
advanced blood cell
virus in embriodic red

 ( a low, drum cadence)

action equals fashion and slow means go
cunts and runts in the gutters
counting crows
pigeons and midgets in the watering hole
symphatic methogen
emphatic hydrogen
cromatic estrogen
in a mercury-lace syringe

rage hate pain for all of you
rage hate pain through and through
rage hate pain for all of you
rage hate pain through and through

(a low bass rumble)


























(a whisper)
no apologies

Starseed Souls

Only geniuses come from Neptune You may think I'm crazy Or just a big loon But you believe in witches on big brooms? Then why can...